Strikdas - A Film

"Ontmoet  Vossie.  Hy's  alles  wat  sy  nie  soek  nie."

Starring: Kaz McFadden, Leandie du Randt, Gys de Villiers, Elsabe Daneel
Year: 2015
Running Time: 86 minutes

The Afrikaans film, Strikdas: 'n Familie Gedoente (Bow Tie: A Family Affair), was released in 2015. It is a fantastic romantic comedy that is yet another example of the high quality of films produced in South Africa in recent years. The leads, Kaz McFadden and Leandie Du Randt, are perfect in their respective roles while the witty humour of the script guarantees plenty of laughs.

The film begins with nerdy Don "Vossie" Vorster and princess Willemien de la Harpe preparing to leave for university, both of them receiving sage advice from their parents. Ten months later, socially awkward Vossie has not had much luck with the ladies, despite wearing the lucky bow tie his father bestowed on him before he left home. He is a member of the Stellenbosch Liberation Front, a group of three students who are committed to protecting the rights of animals and trees on campus.

Vossie, after a mission to free the lab rats from the university, meets a distraught Willemien one evening, after she has just ended her relationship with her boyfriend, AJ, who seems like a real doos. For Vossie, it is love at first sight while Willemien is keeping her rape whistle close-by. Then Willemien decides to use Vossie in a game with her father; she takes him home to meet her parents, knowing it will piss them off because they expected her to marry AJ, who comes from a respectable (i.e. wealthy) family. The plan works - her father, Herman, is not impressed and brings AJ to the farm, who proceeds to tease and taunt Vossie. This only softens Willemien's heart toward Vossie. She is particularly touched by his comment: "It's important to be yourself, even if it's uncomfortable." Meanwhile her sister, Letitia, who is going through a "phase" that includes dark make-up, accordion playing and veganism, finds an ally in good-natured Vossie.

We then find out that an arrangement has been made between Herman and AJ's father because of Herman's alleged debt, which will be written off if Willemien marries AJ. Later it is revealed that this debt was fabricated so that AJ's scheming father could get his hands on the de la Harpe farm. Willemien is then torn between her developing feelings for Vossie and her obligations to save her family.

The outcome of the film is predictable, with Vossie literally riding in on a horse to save the day, but that doesn't detract from the film's heart-warming humour and touching message about staying true to yourself and standing up for what you believe in, even if it means defying the expectations of others.

Some of the highlights of the film for me were:
  • The shots of some beautiful Stellenbosch architecture and scenery, including the wine estate belonging to Willemien's parents;
  • Vossie's adorable awkwardness and eccentricity;
  • The sassy, straight-talking, walking-stick-wielding grandmother, who tells Vossie when he tries to hug her that she ties "other things" into bow ties;
  • The Pampoen scene in which Vossie is dancing to music in his boxers, reminiscent of the iconic Tom Cruise scene from Risky Business;
  • When Vossie slaps AJ and puts a finger on his lips, telling him to shhh.
