Things that made me smile this week

17 March

(Okay, so this list actually stretches over the past two weeks but let's not be too pedantic, especially where smiles are concerned)

The Cape Town Pride parade and festival.  In the immortal words of Miranda, "such fun!"

Speaking of...the fabulousness of Three Tons of Fun, who rocked the stage at Pride.

A waffle on a stick.

Finally watching Moonlight after my previous attempts had been thwarted.  Such a powerful film with both a heartbreaking and heartwarming message.  The film totally deserved the Best Picture win.  I was also one of 8 people in the entire theatre - just how I like to watch a film.

Then seeing La La Land at the La-La-Labia (I couldn't resist).  A most enjoyable film with beautiful cinematography.  I especially loved the strong primary colours in each scene.  I left the theatre with the urge to break out into song - I had to hold myself back when I was stuck in traffic the other day.

Shopping for vinyl at the iconic Mabu Records.  I have been resisting the desire to start collecting vinyl (given my extensive CD collection) but I have imposed boundaries that will ensure this collection does not get out of hand.  Flipping through these old records is very soothing - and finding a great bargain is a very rewarding.

Finding Liza Minelli's Results and Jason Donovan's Between The Lines.

Enjoying a tasty bacon, spinach and feta quiche at Bakesh Food and Wine.

A new single from Steps.

These cartoons:  Cartoons that perfectly sum up your life as an adult

Watching Suzelle make slime (and then glitter slime!):  How to make slime

The presentations of my AP English class - really excellent work that included, inter alia, applying Psychoanalysis to the Lemony Snicket series, Cultural Materialism to 1984 and Queer Theory to The Famous Five.

Afrikaans is Groot.  This was an amazing production that made me glad I got a last minute ticket.  A great way to end a long and stressful week.

Seeing Laurika Rauch perform Ek het 'n huisie by die see at AIG.
