A Thanksgiving Playlist

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is around the corner.  While some find the origins of the holiday controversial,  I'm not going to discuss the historical accuracy of the story of the first Thanksgiving or try and separate Thanksgiving facts from Thanksgiving myths.  I did not grow up with Thanksgiving and have no particular attachment to the holiday.  However, the underlying tradition of giving thanks appeals to me; an opportunity to pause and reflect on the many things I have to be grateful for, especially at the end of a taxing year.  The abundance of delicious food is just a gratifying bonus.  Here are seven songs for a gratitude-filled Thanksgiving playlist.

   Thank You - Dido

The iconic breakout hit from Dido remains a favourite 22 years since its release.  In the song, she outlines "one of those days" that includes outstanding bills, a missed bus, a hangover and cold tea.  But in between the darkness of the day, there is someone who reminds her that "it's not so bad".  And that is definitely something to be thankful for. 

   Thankful - Josh Groban

Josh Groban's baritone voice is like a soothing balm for a troubled mind and soul and the lyrics to this song are both moving and thought-provoking:

Somedays, we forget to look around us
Somedays, we can't see the joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give
So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see

   Thank you for loving me - Bon Jovi

Love in any form is always something to be thankful for.  This song was the third single to be released from the band's 2000 album, Crush and, while I'm not a huge Bon Jovi fan, I appreciate the sentiments of this rock ballad.

   Thank you for the music - ABBA

For me, music is a constant source of comfort, joy, inspiration and fun - more so this year than any other.  So many of my favourite artists released incredible albums this year which offered moments of light and happiness and kept me singing and dancing throughout all the darkness:  Lady Gaga, Dua Lipa, The Chicks, Alanis Morissette, Sam Smith, Kylie...and a Dolly Christmas album.

   Thank you for being a friend - Cynthia Fee

The theme song of one of the best sitcoms of all time, The Golden Girls.  This song always reminds me of my amazing friends with whom  I have "traveled down the road and back again".  Now more than ever, their love and support have provided a lifeline.

   Ode To My Family - The Cranberries

The fact that this song is by a band named after the tart little berries that are a staple on the Thanksgiving table is a fun coincidence.  It's on my list because my family is one of the things I'm grateful for, even though they are thousands of miles away. 

   Grateful - Rita Ora

Grateful was written by the incredibly talented Diane Warren and is featured on the Beyond the Lights soundtrack.  It was nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Song in 2015.  The lyrics are a reminder that there are lessons to be taken from tough times that we have to endure:

I'm grateful for the storm
Made me appreciate the sun
I'm grateful for the wrong ones
Made me appreciate the right ones
I'm grateful for the pain
For everything that made me break
I'm thankful for all my scars
'Cause they only make my heart
